Monday, August 29, 2016

Bell's Supercrag

With the return of fair weather is was time to return to the Blue Mountains. On Saturday I ventured out to Bell's Supercrag where I was promised climbing in glorious sun all day! Unfortunately the wall we picked didn't get any sun until the afternoon, but instead of walking a short distance to another sunny wall we persevered in the shade.

The rock was cold and my climbing suffered due to frozen fingers, but it was good to be back on the rock and knock out a couple of fun climbs.

I stayed the night with friends, and after a few beers and some wine at a local Jazz bar I slept very well.

The next day I returned to Bell's Supercrag, unfortunately it was a bit overcast and the first few climbs we in pretty cold conditions. While the climbing was relatively easy, the routes were long and the warmth was quickly sucked out of my fingers.

We decided to try around the corner at a different wall out of the wind. The sun came out and for the first time in months I could climb without worrying about the frigid rock.

We spent the rest of the afternoon climbing in the sun, and I made the long walk back to the car exhausted but happy.

More photos here