Monday, March 14, 2016

Exploring Sydney

At short notice I was due in Sydney for work, so I took the opportunity to see a bit more of Australia. I took the rural New England highway south into New South Wales, breaking the trip up overnight with a bit of camping.

It was a pleasant and relaxing drive down, not too much traffic and beautiful country scenery all the way down.

I dropped my car off at my Grandpa's, and after a few beers and prawns  for lunch (thanks Heather) I found my way into the city centre and to my hotel.

My room didn't have a kitchen so even night I roamed the streets looking dinner and taking in the sights. Plenty of options for a decent meal, and the city is nice at night.

The weekend came and I decided to make the most of it by taking in more city sights. I spent a Saturday taking in the obvious sights, walking through the botanic gardens, along the harbour and finishing the afternoon at the Sydney art gallery.

The next day I took the ferry to Manly in order to track down some family history, although the boat ride was stunning the plaques and records I came to see were still in storage after the surf club had gone through renovations.

It was a beautiful day so I decided to walk around north head, past the Third Quarantine cemetery, around the gorgeous coast line. I got back to a packed Manly beach late in the afternoon and wearily made my way home.

I have been very lucky with the weather and the city is easy to get around and experience. Once I'm in proper accommodation I'll explore further afield.

More photos here