Saturday, March 3, 2012

Santiago, Chile. Pt 1

I arrived after a long flight (Brisbane - Sydney - Buenos Aires - Santiago) tired but ok. First impression of the city were really good. I managed to catch the right bus from the airport, then walked for 45min to my hostel. Partly becuase I needed the exercise, mostly because I didn´t want to push my luck with the public transport.

Santiago is a nice place, wasn´t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. Easy to walk down the street without being hassled, nice wide streets and footpaths make walking around the city a pleasure.

I spent the last day and a half (first morning I slept until midday) checking out the sights, I will still need another couple of days to fit in the rest of the museums and attractions. I walked up the main hill overlooking the city (Cerro San Cristobal) where a giant statue of the Virgin Mary overlooks Santiago. The government has set aside 772 hectares of land (that can´t be right¿¿¿.... haha check out the question marks¡¡) for the city municipal park. I walked around for 4 hours taking in the public pools, Chilean and Japanese gardens, recreation areas and smaller parks. Saw many people on mountain bikes going up and down the roads, Chileans seem like an active people.

Finished the day with a trip to the zoo. The had a diverse selection of animals, it was surprising. Polar bears, white tigers, condors, kangaroos, lots of chimps and monkeys etc.

More sight seeing to come....

Photos here