Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vilcabamba, Ecuador

It was time to leave Peru. As I was still in the central highlands and did not want to retrace my steps back to the coast, I chose to take the less common border crossing into Ecuador. I left Chachapoyas at 4:00 AM on the first of three taxi/mini-bus journeys for the day, eventually arriving to San Ignacio after lunch where I had to spend the night. A small town, I wandered the streets until dark before heading to bed.

Another early start, catching a 5:00 AM taxi (supposedly the only one of the day) to the Peru-Ecuador border. I arrived around 7:00 AM and had to wait a couple of hours until immigration opened, then it was a simple matter of walking 50m across the bridge into Ecuador.

After getting my entry stamp into the country I was told the first available transport further into Ecuador left at midday, leaving me three and a half hours to kill in a 1/4 horse town. Luckily my Kindle was fully charged....

The transport finally arrived, a flat bed truck that had some wooden bench seats in the rear. It was actually a really nice way to see the countryside, no dirty windows, just fresh, dusty air and unspoiled views.

Arriving at La Balsa I immediately jumped a 'proper' bus to the town of Vilcabamba, arriving 6 hours later just after dark.

I spent a couple of days in Vilcabamba, going on treks (without ending up where I wanted to go, the reason you are supposed to hire local guides) and reading / relaxing. The town has a very relaxed atmosphere, supposedly contributing to the greatly above-average lifespan of the local population.A nice introduction to Ecuador.

A couple more photos here