Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quito, Ecuador

After a full days bus ride I arrived to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The skies were overcast and threatening, but I found a hostel just before it began to rain. I stayed in the slightly dodgy area of  'La Mariscal' (also known as the tourist ghetto) which is lined with night clubs, overpriced restaurants and sketchy looking people hanging out on the streets. Still, the hostel was nice and provided cereal for breakfast which I haven't had in months!

The nest day I took a bus to the historical centre of Quito, and walked around the many churches and plazas the city has to offer. A beautiful sunny day, the highlight was climbing the clock tower and spire of 'La Basillica' - a gorgeous church with an amazing view of the surrounding city, provided you brave the steep narrow staircases to the tops of the structures.

The following day I made my way to 'Mitad del Mundo' (middle of the world), a monument dedicated to the French Geodesic Mission to measure the size of the earth in 1736. The true equator is in fact 240m to the north of the monument but it was a cool place to visit, although it was very touristy.

The next couple of days I spent walking around Quito, through several parks filled with locals playing football, tennis, basketball and volleyball - and another trip to there historical centre with some people I met at the hostel. I enjoyed my time in Quito, a nice relaxed city in the valley between some mountain ranges, but it is time for my next country.... Colombia.

More photos here