Saturday, May 31, 2014

Climbing Pages Pinnacle

With the forecast for rain all weekend I thought I would risk a trip to a new climbing location situated in the hinterlands of the Gold Coast. Kaz, Anton and I took our chances with the rain and drove down to Numinbah Valley and hiked to the ridge line. Heading down to the base of the wall we eventually we found a nice looking, juggy climb and set off up the wall. 

I lead TOS (18) which was a great pumpy climb with some decent fun committing moves. Kaz followed before the rain set in, leaving Anton to attempt the climb in the wet. Luckily the overhanging ledges kept water off most of the climb, and Anton made a great effort to get to the anchors. I climbed once again to clean the route and made my way back down as the rain intensified.

Before heading home we decided to check out the hike to the top of the range. Probably not the greatest idea to try and scramble along the thin ridge in the rain while wearing joggers and a backpack full of heavy climbing gear, so we only made it a short way along before calling it a day. 

There were some great views as fog enshrouded the surrounding landscape, eventually we left and made the slightly muddier trek back to the Patrol and headed back to Brisbane.

A great adventure and we definitely need to return very soon to attempt more climbs and summit the ridge.

More photos here