Saturday, August 30, 2014

Troposphere and Line of Credit multi-pitch

After a few weekends of rainy weather I was able to make my way back to Mt Tibrogargan for some more multi-pitch climbing.

Along for the ride were Chris (from California) and Lukas (from Germany). Leaving Brisbane at dawn we arrived at Celestial Wall and started up the 115m, five-pitch 'Troposphere'. I led the first section (15), before Chris linked the shorter 2nd (17) and 3rd pitch (18).

Lukas led the 4th (15) and I finished the fifth pitch (16). It is a great route with lots of exposed climbing and some great moves. Stepping out around a massive rock slab, out into the void with nothing but a long, sheer drop below being the highlight of the section. At the top of the route be scrambled across to another rap station and made our way back to the base of the cliff.

With half the day gone we decided to finish up on 'Line of Credit', a two-pitch, 70m grade 16. Chris and Lukas led the first pitch, after belaying both of them I seconded the 35m to the rap station. I continued on and led the second pitch (16), another 35m route with some amazing moves. Tiring arms, traversing across another sheer drop while trying to find good feet and hand holds, taking the plunge and committing to getting across the void was exhilarating. Very addictive!

Rapping down at the end of the day was very satisfying, as were the two huge pizzas we devoured before heading home, tired but still riding the adrenaline high.

More photos here

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Climbing Pages Pinnacle

Ekka holiday! Taking advantage of the mid-week day off, Marie and I headed down to the Gold Coast hinterland to climb at Pages Pinnacle.

We arrived the day after back-burning had been carried out, and it was a little eerie walking along the freshly burnt out trails, through the ankle deep soot and charred trees. After a decent hike we made it to the crag and began climbing the juggy, pumpy routes.

The weather was perfect for climbing and we progressively climbed routes of increasing difficulties. I had planned to test myself on a harder grade so I bit the bullet started up a grade 22, my previous high being a 20. Climbing up nicely pocketed slab that lead to a sustained juggy head wall, I eventually made it to the anchors with my hands and forearms burning, but feeling stoked!

Feeling pretty pumped after the effort I top roped another 22 (thanks to Marie for traversing to the anchors and setting up the lower off) to warm down for the day. Really happy to tick off some of the harder climbs, I can't wait to return and try some of the other similar grades.

More photos here

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Return to Zeitgeist

I travelled with Marie back to Mt Tibrogargan to (re)introduce her to multi-pitch climbing. After practising some techniques at Kangaroo Point the night before we tested ourselves on Zeitgeist, a great introduction to the joys of longer climbing.

We started up in sunshine, but as the day grew longer the clouds came in. We ascended the three pitches without any problems, and sat down in the caves for a lunch break as the skies darkened.

We explored the surrounding caves for a while then made our way back to the rap station to abseil down.

We got caught in a light shower as we descended but made it down without getting too wet. After a short 4WD detour (time to hose out the chassis again) and a pizza stop we returned to Brisbane, keen to return very soon and try some new climbs.

 More photos here

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Winter Wakeboarding

So what if it is winter, and I forgot my wetsuit. What better way to start the weekend than with a refreshing dip in the Nerang River.

It took us a while to get going in the morning as the battery in the boat was dead. We quickly got bored waiting for it to charge so I removed the spare battery from my Patrol, jumped started it, and were almost on our way.

Somehow we completely destroyed a jockey wheel in the process of winching the boat down the ramp.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was out and there was not a cloud in the sky, but the increasing breeze had quite a chill to it. Undeterred by the absence of anyone else in the river I jumped in, waited for my breath to return, and set off on my wakeboard. It was a lot of fun, but my fingers and muscles didn't last to long in the cold and after a few long rides (I was afraid to try any tricks and fall into the water) I returned to the comfort of the boat.

The other guys had a go in the water, and I braved one last chance before heading home. Halfway though my second run I got a piercing headache which I think was caused by the cold, so we called it quits and went home for a hot cup of tea.

Not the smoothest of trips but we easily replaced the wheel, found the momentarily lost single ski, re-charged the battery and didn't lose any limbs to frostbite. All in all a great morning.