Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Climbing Pages Pinnacle

Ekka holiday! Taking advantage of the mid-week day off, Marie and I headed down to the Gold Coast hinterland to climb at Pages Pinnacle.

We arrived the day after back-burning had been carried out, and it was a little eerie walking along the freshly burnt out trails, through the ankle deep soot and charred trees. After a decent hike we made it to the crag and began climbing the juggy, pumpy routes.

The weather was perfect for climbing and we progressively climbed routes of increasing difficulties. I had planned to test myself on a harder grade so I bit the bullet started up a grade 22, my previous high being a 20. Climbing up nicely pocketed slab that lead to a sustained juggy head wall, I eventually made it to the anchors with my hands and forearms burning, but feeling stoked!

Feeling pretty pumped after the effort I top roped another 22 (thanks to Marie for traversing to the anchors and setting up the lower off) to warm down for the day. Really happy to tick off some of the harder climbs, I can't wait to return and try some of the other similar grades.

More photos here