Sunday, June 25, 2017

Return to the Royal National Park

The weather was in my favour as I awoke to a proper Australian winters day, and a chance to hit the outdoors under crisp sunny blue skies was too good to pass up!

After some cheeky visitors dropped by to keep me company during breakfast, I decided to visit the Royal National Park to visit a section of the coastal track I hadn’t hiked before.

My plan was to start at Bundeena but due to a traffic accident the main road into the park was closed. I was forced to drive further south before I could cut in towards the ocean but happily I arrived at Garie Beach, the furthermost point I had reached on my previous hike. A few surfers were out enjoying the pumping waves as I set off along the beach towards the northern headland.

I made good progress along the track, with stunning views out to sea. Taking a snack break looking out towards ‘Eagle Rock’ I saw several whales playing off the coast, occasionally breaching the surface accompanied by a huge plume of sea spray. Pods of whales closer to the cliffs could occasionally be heard as they came up for air, in between the constant sounds of the abundant local bird life.

Knowing that I would have to retrace my steps to my car, I nevertheless wanted to see how much of the track I could cover before I had to turn around before darkness set it. I made good time to Wattamolla Beach, and decided to push on to Marley Beach. I sat on the rocks overlooking the gorgeous empty beach, had another quick bite to eat before I started back towards my car.

I had covered 12kms in two and a half hours, with sunset only 90 minutes away I knew I had to make good time on my way back. I had a warm jacket and a head torch so I wasn’t too concerned about hiking in the dark, but I did have some cold beers waiting for me in the fridge at home which spurred me on.

Darkness had fully descended by the time I reached Garie Beach, I walked the last short section of soft sand under the moonless sky completing the 24km round trip in just over four and a half hours. It was a gorgeous day and the cool sunny day was perfect for hiking.

I plan to return soon and do the complete 32km trip (one way) in a day soon!

More photos here