Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Double Island Point camping

It is officially winter but the days have been beautiful, and with that in mind I was keen to get back on the sand for some relaxing beach camping.

Naz and I headed up north on Friday night, catching the first few hours of the receding tide as we made our way on to the beach in squally weather. Stopping to let the tyres down for soft sand driving saw us being drenched by the rain coming down sideways. We made our way along the beach until we reached our usual camping spot and pulled up.

The rain stopped so we set up camp in typical windy Teewah Beach conditions, celebrated with a cold beer and went to bed as the rain set back in.

Luckily the tents stayed dry and we awoke to a pretty sunrise but with distant skies full of rain. Sure enough, during breakfast the horizontal rain set back in and the prospects of a relaxing dry weekend were looking slim.

We decided to go for a drive to the north western side of the point to see if we could find somewhere sheltered, and as we drove the rain eased and the sun came out. We parked along some dunes and rigged up hoping to catch some fish for lunch, but disaster struck when the car door was blown shut, snapping Naz's rod in two. With the only competent fisherman gearless it was all up to me, but while something was happy to nibble the tails off my soft plastic lures, nothing significant found itself on the end of my line.

The wind didn't help with the fishing so we decided to head back to the eastern side and check out the point. It was there we caught up with our friend who had arrived overnight, and we set off up the hill to the lighthouse.

Taking in the view from the top, we continued the track around and detoured off through the scrub following a faint track that led down onto the lower rocky outcrop. We sat for a while watching a pod of dolphins play in the waves, then set off back to camp for lunch.

The wind continued to ease slightly as the day progressed and we stayed around camp and relaxed in the sun. The onshore winds made beach fishing difficult, so we started up the fire, sat around the warmth and enjoyed the moment.

As night fell the fire was roaring and Gavin set about preparing a camp fire roast. After an hour around the coals it was ready to go, and it was the perfect meal to end the day with. We sat up until the last of the embers died away (and the esky was emptied of beers), then we retired to our tents for the night.

Up again as the sun rose, the wind had eased a little more and the skies showed no signs of rain. We drank coffee on the dunes, slowly packed camp and made the most of the morning. Naz had some luck in the gutters opposite camp, catching a few nice bream with his spare beach rod.

As the tide neared low we set off home, happy to get mostly great weather for our weekend away. It's always great to wake up on the beach, breathing the salt air and listening to the crash of the waves as the sun comes up, and this weekend was no exception. Always much to short, but we will return...

More photos here