Thursday, August 16, 2012

Colca Canyon, Peru

From Cuzco I caught another freezing bus (complete with ice on the inside of the windows) to the town of Arequipa. Dominated by the volcano 'El Misti' (5800m) we spent the night before leaving the next morning at 3:00 AM to Colca Canyon for a three day hike. At 4160m deep, it has twice the depth of the Grand Canyon and is the deepest canyon in the world.

Day 1.
After a much needed coffee and lots of bread rolls, our first stop was at 'Cruz del Condor', a series of concrete lookouts built on the edge of the Colca Canyon. What followed was an amazing display of the grandeur of nature, when as many as 15 condors glided along the canyon walls, riding the hot air currents generated by the morning sun for over an hour. Unbelievable to get so close to such amazing birds!

We then arrived at Cabanaconde where we began our 1200m descent to our first overnight stay. The deepest part of the canyon was still 35km down river, and we descended at a leisurely pace in three hours. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing, reading and sleeping in the balmy weather.

Day 2.
We awoke late and set off to 'The Oasis', it was another easy walk over 'Peruvian flat ground' (constantly up and down, on average it is flat). After 3-4 four hours we arrived to our second overnight stay, a bunch of bungalows surrounded by manicured lawns, pal trees and a really refreshing pool, fed from the nearby river. Again it was a relaxing afternoon, spent reading and listening to music.

Day 3.
What goes down must come up, so at 5:00, we set off to climb 1200m we descended on the first day. It was still dark when we left but after 45 minutes twilight came, by the time it was 7:00 I was back at the top, basking in the morning sun. Another relatively easy walk (compared to what I have done recently) and we walked another 15 minutes to a well deserved breakfast.

Off we went back to Arequipa, stopping at a few places on the way. One place, Colca Valley, was a stunningly gorgeous view of terraced farmlands and scenery, easily one of the most beautiful views on my trip so far, and so unexpected.

We arrived back to Arequipa in heavy traffic around 5:00 PM, due to the start of the city's independence celebrations. Off on another bus tonight, heading towards the coast of Peru. Hopefully warmer weather will follow...

More photos here