Friday, September 20, 2019

The Louvre

No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to The Louvre, the world's largest and most visited art museum. The surrounding buildings are stunning enough!

I intended to spend the whole day there, so I was in line by the time the museum opened, and as soon as I was inside I joined the rush of people to line up for the Mona Lisa.

Bigger than I was expecting (as so many people had said it was smaller than expected), it was hard to really appreciate the piece due to the crowds of tourists taking selfies and thousands of photos being snapped. It seemed like the majority of people only saw it through a screen or lens, hardly anyone really looked at it... Here is my photo haha

Not a let down, but no better or worse than any of the other thousands of pieces of art in the museum.

Once that was out of the way, I spent the next nine hours getting lost in the endless rooms, trying to see as much as possible. The famous pieces (Egyptian tombs, the Venus de Milo etc) were always crowded, but the irritating tour groups only swarmed the famous pieces, so I often found myself  alone in rooms with equally stunning art.

It was overwhelming, so many rooms and exhibitions to see, it was impossible to absorb it all. And not being a fan of taking photos of paintings (or most things in museums), I didn't take that many shots.

But below is probably my favourite photo in the museum.

Self portrait, mocking by Joeseph Ducreux. Legend!

That bought an end to my amazing time in Paris. I sat in the Champ de Mars and watched the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower, the perfect end to a perfect visit.

More photos here