Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Vatican City

There is a lot to enjoy and experience during a trip to the Vatican City, regardless of your views on the church. I can appreciate art and architecture even if the reasons for their creation leave me cold.

I managed to get in line to see St Peters Basilica early in the day, and purchased a ticket to climb the dome for a unique view of the surrounding city. The narrow winding stairs to the top were barely wider than my shoulders, and in the building heat of the day (not helped by the long pants and the long sleeved shirt I was wearing to look respectable) it was getting pretty warm in there. The amazing view and refreshing breeze from the viewpoint were my reward, and well worth the effort!

I climbed back down, and entered the utterly breathtaking basilica. Absolutely stunning, the sheer size was overwhelming, and amount of detail in every sculpture and decoration was easily lost by trying to take in the enormity of it all. Only by consciously focusing on the finer details (easier said than done) was I able to comprehend the artistry and skill involved.

Unfortunately, and what would be typical of the day, it was hard to truly absorb and appreciate the setting as the crowds were coming thick and fast. I tried to enjoy what I could before making my way to the Vatican Museum.

Once again, the pieces on display were staggering, but the atmosphere wasn't the best for a true appreciation. What I wouldn't give for a key to the place out of hours! On a positive note, I was easily the tallest person there, so my view was never really interrupted haha

The crowds were there it seemed for one thing only, and the swarms of tour groups chaotically flowed to the end point, the Sistene Chapel.

It did not disappoint. I was able to grab a seat alone the side wall, and sit and stare at the monumental fresco. Many of the illustrations meant nothing to me and provoked no emotional response, but the skill and passion was undeniable.

Looking up at the 'Creation of Adam' was an affecting experience. Made better by the fact that photos were forbidden in the chapel (I heard later 'What's the point in going if you cant take a photo?'), I was able to actually appreciate the experience for what it was.

From there I walked into a few more rooms, filled with more amazing sculptures and paintings, but I think I was mentally exhausted, it is a lot to take in. I left to find a place to have a pizza and coffee in relative quiet.

Consider making a denotation to organizations fighting / victims of child abuse.

More photos here